Sunday, November 25, 2007


In this blog I will be presenting new results of my ongoing "Crazy Diamonds" project. This 'research' project assumes that everything in our universe can be expressed as a pattern interfering with other patterns. Interfering patterns generate new patterns. Every pattern needs a medium (carrier) to express itself and we introduce 'Consciousness 'as this underlying medium. Consciousness is the living essence of all that is, not observable because it is the observing itself. I told you this was going to be easy.

I have a more detailed project introduction on my website, but for now it is only available in dutch:

If you would like to have a summary in English, please let me know. Other suggestions, reactions are always welcome!

The project does not have a clear goal in mind, but it will focus on how we can present things as patterns and how these patterns relate to each other. Maybe, just maybe, I will find out how weather changes in the Middle-East are affecting the stock market in New York, in which case I will be swimming in money very soon :-) Naturally you can start buying "Crazy Diamonds" stocks right now, just send me a note.

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